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If you are looking to get a project done in another language, or if you are a business owner who wants to expand your reach into new markets, we can help. We offer translation services for any type of content: websites, marketing materials, legal documents and more.

A translation agency is a company that provides translation services. There are many different types of translation agencies, and most of these operate under very similar principles. They typically focus on providing specialized translations for businesses in order to help them communicate effectively with their customers or partners in other countries.

Translation agencies also often provide translation services for individuals who need help translating documents into other languages. These can be anything from academic papers to business contracts to marriage certificates—just about anything! The good news is that some great translation companies have been serving clients for decades and have built up an excellent reputation as trustworthy providers of high-quality work at fair prices (or even free).

There are many benefits to using a dedicated translation agency that you may not have considered:

  • Access to trusted and experienced translators who can handle any type of project
  • A single point of contact for all your translations
  • Access to the latest technology tools and resources

A translation agency will offer the following types of services:

  • Translation services. This is the most common service that translation agencies provide. When you need to translate a document, you would contact your chosen agency and they will assign one or more translators to your project. Each translator specializes in working with specific documents and languages, so if you need someone who speaks both English and French (for example), you can ask your agency to find someone who can handle this request.
  • Localisation services. A localisation project involves translating text from another language into English for use within an app, website or other product intended for international markets (such as games). Localisation requires detailed knowledge about how technology works so that translations fit seamlessly into apps or websites without breaking anything or causing problems later on when users start using them in different regions around the world – which happens quite often!

There are many ways to handle a project. Projects can be handled by a single person, or by a team. They can be handled in-house or outsourced. They can also be handled by translation agencies, who can either handle the whole project or just parts of it.

The people involved in a translation project can be broken down into four groups:

  • Translators (who translate the material)
  • Editors (who review translated material and make corrections)
  • Proofreaders (who review translated text for final errors before delivery)
  • Quality assurance (sign off on the finished product)

These roles are not mutually exclusive, so you may find that one person performs more than one task. For example, an editor will often mark up their edits with redlines to indicate where they would like changes made and ask if there is any confusion with the original language text. This can be helpful for translators because it gives them an idea of what kind of changes will be necessary.

  • It’s important to be able to give a good example of a process flow in a project. The best way to do this is by providing an example that includes the following items:
  • what happens at the beginning of a project (e.g., initial contact, estimation)
  • what happens at the end of your project (e.g., final delivery)
  • how much time it takes for each step in your process (e.g., one week from initial contact until delivery).

To ensure quality, we have a team of professional translators and proofreaders who work in all the languages. We also have a team of project managers and quality assurance specialists responsible for ensuring that all projects are completed on time, on budget and according to your requirements.

We also have an account manager assigned to each client helping them manage their translation needs more effectively, so you don’t have to worry about anything when working with us!

The security of your confidential documents and the data stored in our database and on our website is of paramount importance to us. This is why we have taken all the necessary measures to secure them against unauthorized access by third parties.

You can rest assured that your data is protected by an SSL certificate and an encrypted connection to our server (https). In addition, all employees who handle customer data must sign a confidentiality agreement before they begin work with us. This guarantees their compliance with data protection regulations and their personal responsibility for safeguarding customer information.

The terminology control process is a set of activities designed to ensure consistency and compliance with industry standards. The key elements include:

  • Translators are trained in terminology control.
  • Every project goes through a quality assurance process that includes checking the translated document against the source text and other similar documents, as well as making sure that the translation matches the terminology used in your own products or services.
  • We use a translation memory system to keep track of your project’s most frequently used terms (so we can reuse them in future projects). This helps us ensure consistent translations across different projects.
  • Our terminology database contains all our clients’ unique product names, services and processes so we can easily match them with their equivalent in another language when working on your next project!

Yes. We guarantee that your project will be delivered on time.

If you set a deadline for the project, we will make sure to deliver it before this deadline.

If you set deadlines for each phase of the project, we will deliver each phase before its deadline.

Our project managers will report on progress and any problems with the translation agency or translators.

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